I shall always remain indebted to Iqbal sir and all faculty of APEX INSTITUTE Ghaziabad for excellent support and guidance they gave me, that helped me in sailing through IITJEE , AIEEE. It would not have been possible for me to get into IIT without their superb mentorship. In every test at APEX INSTITUTE My score in the three subjects was compared by the teachers, and I was accordingly guided about my time distribution. According to me the class size must not be too large and this was one of the advantage at APEX INSTITUTE. I started preparing for IITJEE when I was in 9th class.
Finally, I would like to thank Iqbal Sir, My parents Sh. B.R. Sharma ; Smt. Raj Kumari for their unending support to me throughout my JEE preparations.Sourabh-IIT
I did my preparation for Engineering Entrance Examination at APEX INSTITUTE ,It has helped me a lot in clearing my basic concepts and raising my skills to the optimum level required in today’s extremely competitive scenario.
The entire credit for my success gas to APEX INSTITUTE The teachers at APEX INSTITUTE are excellent and highly experienced. They also have great teaching skills. The best aspect is that APEX INSTITUTE, helps in preparation of all three subjects equally and there is no shortcoming in any subject or any topic whatsoever. The assignment was exhaustive extremely helpful.Anupam – IIT
APEX INSTITUTE is the best institute to pursue for the dream of qualifying IIT. APEX INSTITUTE offers the most comprehensive study material and conducts regular tests intended to disclose the unseen capabilities and evaluate students progress. Humble, dedicated and extremely well skilled teachers work ever harder than the students to penetrate right through the lakhs of children willing for IIT and leave you at the threshold of IIT.
APEX INSTITUTE helped me a lot in learning by basic concepts and doubts. The faculty is very helpful and is available always for learning doubts. The material provided by APEX INSTITUTE and the class tests are exhaustive.
I am very thankful to APEX INSTITUTE ,for my Rank in JEE. I joined classroom program of APEX INSTITUTE For my preparation, for my engineering entrance. I did not join any other institutes classroom program. All the teachers are highly qualified and professional in their approach. After +2, within a very short span of time, we extra above to brush up the courses of +1 and +2 to our advantage. Tests conducted at the centre were of the real JEE level, within increased my examination temperament and problem solving skills.
My heartiest thanks to APEX INSTITUTE for ripening me into on IITian . I started my preparation from zero level at APEX INSTITUTE in +1 but with kind cooperation and hard work of all the teachers here I could get into IIT. It’s an advice to all the students preparing for JEE to stay focused and not to follow too many books and have stern faith in your teachers because they are the builders, we are just raw materials. IIT is not just aspiration but much more. Which can be realized a APEX INSTITUTE. APEX INSTITUTE gave me a lot and I owe a lot to my institution.